Runners are notorious for having multiple pairs of running shoes. It's a bit of an addiction you might say. They always say that running is one of the least expensive sports out there. Well I don't know who they are but THEY obviously didn't do their research. After race fees and gear (I mean you've gotta look cool for all those running pics) and the shoes, THE SHOES, don't get me started on that. I could write a blog just about shoes and hey maybe I will. So many choices, so many cool running shoes on the market. Then if you're an ultrarunner or you chalk up alot of miles on a weekly basis your shoes are bound to get worn down quicker than normal.
As a rule of thumb when you run anywhere from about 300-500 miles they say you should replace them. Not the same they that said that running is less expensive so you can count on this to be accurate. So if you are runner like me and your average weekly mileage is about 15-20 miles you are looking at replacing those cool shoes every 6 months or so. There is a level of comfort that comes from getting a pair of shoes that just feel good on your feet while you run. Listen I am here to tell you that any sort of comfort that you can feel on a run is definitely a good thing and something you should hold on to.
So speaking of holding on to something, I have been guilty of holding onto shoes for way to long. The comfort and just the history that you have with shoes can be to much to force a retirement for them. The runs you have been through together and the fear of having to break in another pair of shoes and the wondering if it will be the same with these shoes as the last ones. It's enough to stress a runner out! You tell yourself they are worn but their fine, they can make it a little longer. One more baby! Just give me one more run! Maybe two?! We will revisit it and talk about it after the first one to see how we're feeling.
I have a tendency to shut down mentally when I'm tired in my mind. It's almost as if I am having a seat in my mind and when someone asks me to get up there are no words because well this is playing out in my mind and I just shake my head no. You can ask my wife and my coworkers and they will tell you the same about me. Mental Health and being strong mentally is important to me as it should be to everyone. None of us are perfect though and being strong consistenly in your mind os tough.
It's not unlike the shoe thing that we talked about earlier. We can become comfortable and tell ourselves that sure we are a little worn but we're fine, everythings fine. We can go a little longer without a change. Truth is we can't and this is crucial, something has to change. It doesn't have to be a major change. Sometimes it can be as simple as changing your surroundings for a period of time. Whatever it may be or whatever works for you to rest your mind or restart it. Don't wait to long to do that. Be kind to your mind. You deserve it and the people in your circle deserve it.