It counts. Facts are Facts. Trust me. Even when you feel like a run doesn't count it does. When you're daily life feels like it doesn't count, it really does! Comparisons will happen. I am convinced that they will happen more than what we want. Our minds just go there. No one is perfect and they would be lying if they said they never compared themselves to someone else. So what does comparisons have to do with whether it counts or not? When we compare we always doubt ourselves because inevitably we will see someone (whether that be in real life or on social media) that is killing it more than us. I know right?! Hard to fathom because you are all pretty freaking awesome!
It counts. Facts are Facts. When you speak it counts. When you go to work it counts. When you do what only you can do because it fits in and lines up with your purpose and talents it counts. When you run that mile it counts. Every mile matters and counts. Even if you walk that mile it does what? Yes. You're correct! It counts. This running thing has taught me alot of different things. It's taught me about consistency and staying consistent and all the benefits of that. It's also taught me and given me more concentration. Last but not least it's taught me to when I really look at the big picture of myself and what I have been able to accomplish in my running journey, its taught me that every step along the way counts.
Every run is not perfect. The process can be grueling. The pain can be alot and the discouragement can sit in and always be a factor if you let it. In life these things can make you or break you. They can be the difference between a good day or a bad day or weeks or years for that matter and just like every run is not perfect, every life is not perfect. What is perfect though is where there is action there is motivation. Behind that action there is usually motivation. Plus there is always the fact that you, well you count and matter and can do all the hard things!