Forward Motion isn't everything.

Any motion is good motion.

My running journey is a love-hate relationship. The ups and downs are countless and as rapid as the steps that you take during a good run. When you run you put one foot in front of the other and move well if you're doing it right, forward. Recently I went out on a run and just wasn't feeling it at all. My initial reaction when this happens is to go anyway and eventually my thinking is I will get into it and start to feel that runners high and it will carry me through my run. On this day there was no runners high, no pre-workout that kicked in, nothing. Just nothing. I had hit a wall. Motivation and drive eluded me. In our life we are led to believe that forward motion is everything.

Sometimes it just doesn't feel like we are moving forward. When you feel as though all you can do is just do enough to just be somewhere. When you feel like maybe at your job all you can do is just be there. When it takes everything in you just to get up and do life, guess what? You're still doing it, any motion is good motion. Even when it doesn't feel like you are moving forward you are still moving and that is something to be proud of and to use as motivation on the days when you need it the most.