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Running for great causes and my mind. Ambassador for StillIRun, BeastDak and Citrus eyewear. Utilizing motivation to the fullest since 2023 and here to encourage and uplift!
Thoughts about running, life, running, random things and more running.
January 23, 2024In a world filled with distractions and disruptions, it's easy to get caught up in the routine...December 8, 2023I ran my first marathon in 2021. Like most runners, or really for anyone who trains or puts in...November 18, 2023Runners are notorious for having multiple pairs of running shoes. It's a bit of an addiction...November 14, 2023It counts. Facts are Facts. Trust me. Even when you feel like a run doesn't count it does....November 10, 2023My running journey is a love-hate relationship. The ups and downs are countless and as rapid as...November 9, 2023Hey, thank you! You didn't know it but I was behind you most of that run. You had a pace that...BeastDak
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